Sanctuary Residents
Let us introduce you to some of our sanctuary residents!

Hatts and Delly were part of a big hoarder rescue - it took us some months to remove all the rabbits and place them in available rescue spaces! All the rabbits were quarantined before placing with rescues but, unfortunately, a few were unable to be moved on and have joined the One Bun family. Hatts has awful genital mutilation which leaves him prone to UTI'S and flystrike and Delly was also mutilated but to a lesser degree. They now live with an amazing foster mum and thanks to careful management, both buns are thriving. They have their own room, where they cause absolute havoc!

Bean is a beautiful Thriantra bunny. He started life in a hamster cage and as a result he has no confidence in larger spaces. Now safe in foster care, he does manage to make his way downstairs for his evening treat - a Fenugreek crunchie - then back up he goes, to the safety of his room. Being an anxious little soul, his breathing is still fast at times but he is being closely monitored. Sadly he is now almost completely blind

Melrose, he's approx 13 yrs old so will be staying with us on palliative care. He has bilateral Basal Ear Abscess/ OA pain / and a bladder full of sludge. His pain is now controlled and he has had the first of his bladder flushes. Already a happier chap and once well and healthier we will try to bond him

Georgie - has congenital genital defects which means he has 2 anus's and is prone to impaction without careful monitoring. Such a sweet boy.

Bronwyn - ex- T & S Rabbit Farm bunny who had to have her left front leg amputated due to a dislocated shoulder which happened before rescued. Soon to be bonded.
Roger, has a basal abscess and has developed a slight tilt Crystal has teeth problems

Luna and Ivory - rescued from a Meat Farm, Luna is disabled, her back legs are very weak

Crystal bonded with Dougal

Tilly - one of a big hoarder case, has teeth problems, he's a very inquisitive bunny and loves his treats!

Robyn - this dear little baby came to us recently with 2 adults, her left back leg was hanging on by a piece of skin. Despite only weighing 300g our vet removed the leg and she's doing well, she sleeps a lot in a strange position, so we are monitoring for possible neurological issues. She's a darling.