What we do


The main aim of One Bun is to help 'at risk' rabbits in England and Wales get to the safety of a rescue, sanctuary or into foster care.

The One Bun team are often called to help with the mass removal of rabbits from hoarding situations and from breeders / meat farms etc. closing down. After we have removed the rabbits from harms way, we then transport them to our holding facility. Fortunately, we are now geared up to be able to provide quarantine to a large number of animals at one time, arranging vaccinations, neutering and spaying by our RWAF approved vets were possible before placement. Once health checked and vaccinated, using our wonderful network of volunteer transporters, we place the bunnies into good rescues around England and Wales that adhere to RWAF guidelines.

One Bun At A Time will also help people if they need to be admitted to hospital, caring for their rabbits while they are being treated. If the person is, sadly, unable to return home or is placed into care and it is evident they will no longer be able to care for their bunnies, we will offer to find a verified rescue to take the animal(s). Similarly, if a person were to lose their home through, for example, flood, storm, fire or eviction, we will offer care and a safe haven for their rabbits. Thanks to our upgraded holding facility, we are able to provide emergency accommodation in such cases.

We are often asked to help catch and care for stray or dumped rabbits. These unlucky animals are at immediate risk and often in need of veterinary treatment, which we will arrange with our approved, bunny savvy vets.

Under some circumstances animals, that require life-long or immediate, complex treatment and nursing care, are unable to be rehomed by one of our rescue partners. In these cases we will care for the bunnies with sanctuary or volunteer foster placements. There are currently a large number of rabbits in our care that will need to stay with our fosters for the foreseeable future or for the rest of their lives, ensuring they get the very best treatment for their conditions.

We give advice to new or existing owners on how to look after their animals properly, i.e. how to improve their animals accommodation to make it better for the animal and also easier for the owner re: cleaning out, especially if someone has difficulty in bending down or has other health issues. Advice on what is the best food to supply and how to spot potential problems/illnesses etc. We are able to educate children about how best to look after their new pets, to explain that a pet is for life and a huge commitment, this enables the child to get the most enjoyment out of them and the pet is well cared for.

Aside from fundraising activities and donations, to help us carry out these tasks, we rely on an army of countrywide volunteers. 

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